Oct 142009


Greetings, dear countrymen!
I send this announcement with the sole purpose of informing you that I am returning to Uzbekistan. As you know, the Birdamlik movement was formed on October 10, 2004. Today it is officially registered in the US, Norway, and Sweden, and branches exist in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan as well as in the autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan. Continue reading »

Oct 062009

People and the State < back
06.10.09 17:47
Protest action dispersed in Jizak
Uznews.net – Tashkent-based human rights activists and a group of women from Jizak Region’s Gallaorol District attempted to take a picket outside the regional prosecutor’s office in Jizak yesterday, but they were dispersed by police and national security (SNB) officers. Continue reading »