May 182010

Torture In Uzbek Prisons.

This letter was secretly passed from strict penal colony No. 64/33 (near the city of Karshi in the Kashkadarya region) in July or August 2009
and received by the group Human Rights in Central Asia in December 2009:

From Colony No. 64/33 we write, those who were imprisoned on false charges
and sentenced according to Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the
Republic of Uzbekistan.

There are 121 prisoners here imprisoned
according to Article 159. We all ended up here in different years. We
are all different people. Our characters are also different, but our
destiny is the same. Our destiny has been pleased to see what man could
never have imagined.

Looking at these masters and jailers it is
hard to believe that they were born to women. Born a human being should
remain a human being. And they are wild creatures and inhuman monsters.
The pain they caused us is impossible to describe. They rape us with a
club (stick), enema syringe with a red pepper; and beat on the heels
till they bleed.

These are the methods of violence they like.
This all seems not enough to them, and they come up with various new
methods of torture. They rape with sticks those who suffer from AIDS,
and use those same sticks to rape other prisoners. They laugh and say
with a jeer: “You all pray, call each other ‘brothers,’ and aren’t you
ashamed to infect each other with AIDS?”

In the medical unit for healthy people, they use syringes that were previously used for
patients with AIDS. A prisoner called Holmirza, who expressed
indignation, was forcibly given the blood of a prisoner with AIDS. Then
Holmirza was transported to another colony, and it’s still not known to
which one.

Dear friends! Mothers! Fathers!

Our torments
are increasing, not diminishing. The torturers threw aside all
restraints and became violent. They know that they will not answer for
this under the law, but do not know that they will have to give an
answer before God and his judgment. For certain reasons known to you, we do not write our names. Consider that the letter was signed by 121

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