Feb 252010

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Tajikistan: A former engineer, claims to be the prophet, and promises to people paradise

* Feb. 25th, 2010 at 5:45 PM

A former engineer, now a pensioner, resident of the village Kulangir Bobodzhongafurovskogo Sogd region of Tajikistan 71-year-old Sharifdzhon Abdurasulov claim to high rank of the prophet.

Seventeen years ago he declared himself a prophet and founder of a new religion – chelovekopoklonstva. About the same time he officially announced almost all the power structures of the country and local authorities, as well as representatives of the court and prosecutors. He played in the capital of independent television programs “Poytaht” that broadcast Internews-Network. He hit the republican newspaper Oila, “Tojikiston”, “Courier Tajikistan. On his gift Abdurasulov notified and the staff of the Cathedral Mosque of Shaykh Maslihatdin city of Khujand. He published 67 books, which, according to Abdurasulova, were written not by him personally, and dictate the Almighty. But – first things first.

Sharifdzhon Abdurasulov was born in 1939 in the village Kulangir Bobodzhongafurovskogo area. After leaving school, worked for two years at the cannery town of Khujand, in 1960 he entered the Polytechnic Institute in Dushanbe, where he specialized in industrial and civil engineering construction. Then he returned to Khujand, worked in a variety of building institutions and Research Planning Institute. In the post of Chief of Architecture and design department had worked 22.5 years and retired.

In 1992 Leninabad (now Khujand) from Moscow came to a certain Vyacheslav Solo, who taught who want higher magic

– I took a six-day course, after the departure of our teachers, we organized a group, which functioned for several years – says Sh Abdurasulov “Fergane.Ru. – After that I became very ill. My relatives and friends the doctors say, that I dug the grave, that I will die soon. My late mother had sent my older daughter to a clairvoyant who told her that I intended the gift of God a high degree, and if I do not accept, do not heal. Then I went to Nasrullodzhonu, more famous clairvoyant, and he received God’s gift to the seventh degree (total 14 degrees). Almost a year I am using the gift of God, treating people.

When you are first received a message from above?

– 23 August 1993, it was a day off and I was working in his yard. It was thirteen hours of the day. Suddenly I heard a voice, who asked the Tajik language: “What do you want from me?” By surprise, I lost consciousness – for ten minutes. Then he heard this voice: “I – God, the only space, came to the thee. What do you want from me? “

I’m confused. He felt himself a disciple of the first class, who sits in front of an academician. At first he did not know what to say. Then he said: “For all that you gave me, if you are the God of space, I am grateful. I miss one thing – knowledge. Let me know that I worked on the existence of life and could not answer the vital questions. Why on earth there is life, but it does not exist on the Moon? Why Mars and other planets, which people have already mastered, too, there is no sign of life? Also, I worry about how to eradicate the disease, what to do, so people are not hurt? To land is not shaken by all sorts of disasters? “

God tested me for four days. He asked: “Why do you have this knowledge?” I replied: “To make life easier for people. I want to improve life on earth. ” And on Nov. 1, 1993 I received from God’s specific knowledge.

The first knowledge received from God – a religion chelovekopoklonstva. I began to write books. Now I am completing 67-S book. I walked all the relevant instances in which reported that I’ve been given the gift of God last – the fourteenth – the degree and asked to gather scholars – historians, political scientists, and representatives of the clergy, people who have the gift of God. I know the future of Tajikistan and the whole world. I was given knowledge of the history of mankind, from the appearance of the first man on this earth until today, as well as what will happen in the future. All this I wrote in my books and would like to speak before a large audience, to answer all the questions scientists. And then let them determine need my writings to society or not. If needed, then we will work together. Much to my regret, in the instances of my words did not pay proper attention. And then me stop getting people from the relevant authorities. Because I was fully tested. In my writings, not one word against the leadership of the country, against our state, against society. I want nothing, because I have the highest post: I am a prophet. That’s enough for me.

-How can you prove that you – the prophet?

– I’m flying people, regardless of distances. For example, someone is sick in Russia. I read a prayer here, there and then that person is healed, and calls me sobschit about it. I fly both women and men. The number of spirits, which I obey, – two hundred trillion. They can reach speeds of a hundred thousand times greater than the speed of the wind. They accept my prayers and pass them on to an individual. The patient immediately recovers. If you want to see this, I can bring you to these people who I have been cured.

In addition, I was in Dushanbe, where treated people. While treatment involved 55 people. Of these, only one man was unable to cure his illness. When I spoke with him, he said that he came to me to check. That is, he came with a bad idea.

TV “Poytaht” specifically removed the manifestation of my God’s gift. In addition, I can influence the nature of the reading of the prayers. I’m not using a prayer from the holy books. I give new prayers from God, that I use.

– Why, in your opinion, there is a new religion?

– Yes, because since the last century and the early 21 century, relations between people from year to year worse. This is God’s warning about the end of the previous period of life. It turns out that for each land, where there is a man of humanity lives five periods of life. Proof of this is that one body is composed of five extremities: head, two arms and two legs. In the sacred books of the last period it was written that Muhammad is the last prophet of the first period. But Mohammed is not the last prophet on earth.

Currently the world more than two hundred people claim to be a prophet. Unfortunately, our scholars and religious leaders can not understand it. It turns out that the past century were the last centuries of the hellish period. This period ended in 2000. Since November 2000, a period between the first and second period of life, which will last about 2.5 billion years. Then comes the heavenly period which will last 9.3 billion years old. This will be posleraysky and the last period of life.

– About what your books tell us?

– My books are written about the middle period of life. On one large sheet I drew all the planets in our solar system, has shown how to organize life in space. Moon revolves around the Earth. Earth with its axis rotates around the sun. Sun and its planets, ie the stars of the solar system, revolves around the galaxy. Galaxy, in turn, with its sun and other planets revolve around metagalaxies. Metagalaxy revolves around the center of life, and the center of life revolves around the center of outer space. Therefore, there are seven steps – a system of life.

According to the approved scheme of God, to each earth life begins with hellish period. Now hellish period of life on this earth has ended, started the middle period. Every period of life on earth is different, and God for each period are given the relevant knowledge – in order for people to live better than in the past period. All society wants it, or do not want to be forced to live on the new knowledge.

Enough on this earth any disasters, disease and wars. Now we live in the new period, the period in which there will be war and will be universal peace. Now comes the recent tests. Why the number of disasters is increasing? This is God’s warning to people, a sign that God exists. But he manages this life, not society. God Almighty, and I’ll be the mediator between God and men. The transition period will last until 2025. During the remaining time people go through God’s test.

To me people often turn for help – remove the damage, to release the house from evil spirits, cure illness. I can cure blood cancer, AIDS, cirrhosis of the liver, disturbances in blood pressure, heart disease. There is no incurable diseases.

-Your sessions are free?

– Gift of God is not free. I will be treated as agreed, depending on the severity of the disease. When the patient’s pain disappears, then he will pay me. I’m going to cure patients all at one time within 8-10 minutes. Is God’s miracle. Even the stones that are in the bladder and gall bladder, go outside.

I am against the use of any type of drugs. In the human body has 200 trillion spirits, life support, they take up residence in our bodies when we are still in the womb. If a man’s fate is recorded that at a certain age at a certain time he should get sick, then these spirits organize punishment of this man and give him no peace. When I read the prayer, then command these spirits to stop punishing this man, and they immediately obey me. They are replaced by other spirits that heal the body.

I have a very simple tool – an ordinary pen, which shows where the focus of the disease. In the body there are spirits who are responsible for health. And they tell me, what a particular person is sick. That is, they give me any information about this man. I tell these patients, the reason for their illness that they have in the house there is damage, an evil spirit.

Spirits that exist in the world, subject to me. When I read the prayer, they immediately move away from this man, leaving his apartment. So the house cleaned from damage and evil spirits.

I want the world’s scientists have paid attention to me, ask questions and receive answers to them. I can answer any questions relating to life on earth and the spiritual world. It would be possible to free people from God’s punishment.

– You can tell briefly about your family?

– My wife – Markhamat Kahhorova. We learned in one class, married Jan. 1, 1958. We have three daughters. A son, but, unfortunately, he got in a car accident and died. We have 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.

I – not an ordinary family. If I have God’s gift of 14-th degree, then my wife, daughters and one granddaughter is God’s gift of 8-th degree. They also know how to treat people and influence society.

My wife – a housewife, two daughters are medium-specific technical education, a third graduated Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurova. The son graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of engineer-technologist.

I know about his fate and can predict the fate of other people. I plan to bring a new order in life, relating to the middle period. I want to introduce a new religion, to unite all the people living on earth, in one state. Now tell me: you need my knowledge of the society or not?

Scholars of Islam said that the man does not know how much he was destined to live. And you say that you know their fate. This does not contradict the teachings of Islam?

– Religion, given me by God, – the continuation of those religions that have been so far, and not opposed to them. On the contrary, expands them. Mohammed – this is the last prophet of the first period of life on earth, Islam is valid until the day of the Renaissance, that is the end of the world. However, the end of the world – an absurd statement.

During the Second World War killed 54 million people during the October Revolution were killed 92 million people. Only in the 20 th century occurred 120 wars, which killed 500 million people. From disease, natural disasters in the last century killed more than 100 million and affected 500 million people. From the impact of black magic killed more than 100 thousand people. More than three million families were destroyed. From the impact of alcohol killed millions of people. If we were a people of paradise, that such large-scale sanctions would not be. But the past century was the end of the hellish period of life. And so people did not know the causes of these penalties, the religion of Islam forbade the idea of the existence of God’s gift.

People should know these troubles and to repent. As hellish period, which was designed for God’s punishment, passed through me, God removes their bans. Now all the people on our planet are God’s gift to the sixth degree. It is given to people more aware of their fate.

Everyone must know that fate is given the spiritual world. If the hellish period, people did not know their purpose, now would be to live consciously. We have so much knowledge has accumulated, and 90 percent had accumulated in the 20 century. That century was the era of preparations for the transition from the first period of life to the middle. You have to understand that modern man was very different from a man who lived a billion years ago. The first people were like a monkey.

– Then can we say that you support the teaching of Darwin?

– No, I do not support the teaching of Darwin. God – the greatest scientist of space. We have known that there is a spiritual world, which God controls. But they did not know that, by the will of God, there are many different spirits who perform various kinds of work. Who created man? God? No. We are on the order God created the spirits responsible.

– You read the prayer?

– Yes, once in the morning, that is, from the morning before sunrise. The prayer lasts just three minutes. It is written in Tajik. But the prayer of the new religion – chelovekopoklonstva.

– Do you consider yourself a Muslim?

– No. I consider myself a chelovekopoklonnikom. When I went to first grade, learned to read the Koran. Together with others, I have five times a day read namaz (prayers). Then was a Muslim. But when from God came to me a new religion, I began to obey orders of God and moved to another religion. Absolutely all the prophets were first in another religion, but when they received a message from God, passed to the new religion. Prophet Muhammad before he became a Muslim, was a follower of Buddhism.

– Have you already thought, which will be buried after your death?

– At the cemetery, which exists, that is, Muslim. Why? We are not saying that Islam – the religion illegal. Islam was given by God. Muhammad – a prophet. Quran – from God. But we say that all existing religions are for the period of hell, but he has already passed. People, in order to successfully live in the new period, we should understand the relationship between spiritual and material worlds.

If God sent the prophet Muhammad a book – the Koran, then he sent me 67 books. No representative of the existing religions, except for me, can not save the world from disasters. That’s the advantage of my religion, my teachings.

– You can extend the life of man?

– I can, to a hundred years.

– Why you could not save his son?

– My son was taken away, and instead gave me a prayer, with which I make alive the dead. God is so simple not to be.

– Have you ever given someone a second life?

– Not yet. But I can. To me such a question no one has yet approached.

New prophet: the opinion of the theologian

Deputy Council ulema (scholars of religion) Sughd, a graduate of several higher educational institutions of the Islamic world Haji Hodzhamir Hodzhamirov the question: “Can the invention of new prophets?” Replied the following:

– Indeed, God in his book, the Koran stressed that “Muhammad – the last prophet, which are sent to you, and then it will not get a new prophet” – “Mo Kohn Muhammedun abo ahadun richolikun wah wah lokin rasulallohi hotaman naby. The fact that Muhammad is the last prophet speaks not only in the Koran, but also in the Torah and the Bible.

Even before the appearance of Muhammad, God in every human tribe sent his prophet. Prophet of one tribe had the right lure to its ranks representatives of another tribe. Muhammad in his Hadith (reports about various episodes of the life of the Prophet Muhammad) has stressed that he is a prophet for all mankind, and those who will continue to call themselves prophets – false prophets and their appearance – one of the signs of doomsday-dash – the day of the Renaissance . One of the prophets was Musaylamatulkazzob, who was known as a skillful liar. According to the teachings of Islam, people who, after Muhammad began to claim the title of prophet is infidels, that is incorrect.

By Tila Rasul-zade

* The Prophet,
* Tajikistan
* Psychic

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