Nov 092009

Uzbekistan: Famous political prisoner Sanjar Umarov is freed

09.11.2009 09:15 msk

Sanjar Umarov. 2005

Sanjar Umarov. 2005

Ferghana.Ru learned that on November 7, 2009 Sanjar Umarov, famous entrepreneur, public figure, opposition leader from Sunny Coalition, was freed in Uzbekistan. This fact was confirmed by his relatives in Tashkent over the phone. According to them, Umarov feels ok and «safe».

«We are overjoyed that our beloved husband and father, Sanjar Umarov, has been granted amnesty and is returning home after a long imprisonment. We are grateful to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for its thoughtful decision to grant this release so that Sanjar can restore his health in familiar surroundings with his family at his side.» The family will have no further comment at this time.

It has to be mentioned that Sanjar Umarov was arrested in Tashkent on October 22, 2005. Later on he was convicted of the establishment of organized criminal group, corruption, faked entrepreneurship, forgery in public office, non-payment of taxes. In March 2006 of 2006 he was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment (later on due to amnesty the stretch was reduced to 7.9 years). After the imprisonment of Umarov, everybody, directly and indirectly linked to him, was persecuted in Uzbekistan. Many companies were shut down while many others faced unsanctioned checkups.

Sanjar Umarov never admitted his fault. In the opinion of local and international human rights activists, Sanjar Umarov is a political prisoner while the investigation and trial processed included multiple violations of legal procedures. Several times the international organizations demanded the immediate release of Umarov from the government of Uzbekistan. In August of 2008 his family and friends directed internet message to Uzbek authorities, European Union, US State Department and international human rights groups, demanding the immediate release of the prisoner of conscience.

Umarov spent 4 years in jail – in the colonies of the Bukhara Oblast and Tavaksay, 40 kilometers away from Tashkent. There is no information about the conditions of release yet and whether he will be able to visit his family in USA.

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