May 062017

Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU) had its first congress meeting abroad on 6th of May 2009 in Angers, France. After I was elected to be the head of this organization [1]. I told the members who were present that neither of Uzbekistan’s government or Uzbek opposition enforced their rules on changing their leaders on time. I asked for the opinions of experienced French human rights defenders on this matter.

Leader of a human rights organization in France who was about 70 years old suggested that the president of HRSU should be re-elected every 2 years for maximum of 8 years in total. This was well recieved by the members. I was satisfied with the result of my inquiry as well.

However what I didn’t know at the time was that this democratic victory would lead to HRSU’s split into two and allegations about me being an agent of “MXX” (National Security of Uzbekistan).[2]

I think changing of the leaders after a certain period of time is a good thing and here are 2 reasons for it:

With the election of a new leader, the way this organization is run would change and this leader would start implementing his own ideas and methods. During this implementation of the new ways there would be some positive outcomes or not. If it’s good and successful society will be satisfied, if not they’d have decreased interest. Regardless of the success or failure of this new idea, society would have a need for new ideas or new leaders down the line. 

During the period of a leadership there are disagreements within the organization and with other leaders. This leads to a fatigue from the current leader. With the arrival of a new leader people are renewed with hope, fatigue is replaced by positivity and energy.

After the congress meeting I was interviewed by “Ozodlik’s” (Radio Free Europe and Liberty) journalist Mehribon Bekieva as the new president of HRSU.[3]. In this interview I talked about the lack of democracy in Uzbek opposition and how Abdurahim Polatov has been running “Birlik” (Unity) people’s movement for 20 years, Muhammad Solih was running “Erk” (Liberty)democratic party for 19 years. Even in communist China, members of Politburo would change every 10 years but these leaders weren’t thinking about giving up their seat for the new generation. 

The following 6 months I had conversations with the editor of website “Yangi Dunyo” (New World)Yusuf Rasul about the topic of changing leaders and democracy.[4,5,6,7] This generated a lot of public interest but Abdurahim Polatov and Muhammad Solih didn’t offer any kind of open response and still hasn’t to this day. 

Instead of open response they responded in hostile manner with false claims and schemes against me. I will not go into details but anyone who wants more information should check the references. 2 articles were published by Samandar Samarqandiy in “Erk’s” website accusing me of being a “MXX” secret agent who was damaging the reputation of Uzbek opposition from the inside.[8,9] Abdurahim Polatov, leader of “Birlik” people’s movement held their own “HRSU conference” and elected a “chairman” for HRSU’s Qashqadaryo region.[10] 

The biggest scheme was yet to come which started at the congress meeting held for the creation of new People’s movement of Uzbekistan( PMU ) in 2011. In this conference Hazratqul Hudoyberdi declared HRSU as one of the founders of (PMU) without informing or consulting me. I found out about this from listening to radio stations Liberty, BBC and Voice of America. Afterwards members of HRSU gave statements about this conspiracy in which Hazratqul Xudoyberdi, Tolib Yoqubov acted on behalf of PMU. After these statements Tolib Yoqubov and Abdulla Abdurazzoq published articles accusing me of being an “MXX” agent. Because of this scheming and conflict HRSU split into two. 

I want to share my opinion here. One movement for people of Uzbekistan is enough and the leader of this movement should change every 5 or 10 yeare but 3 movements have been created so far. “Birlik” people’s movement was split to two as well because of Abdurahim Polatov and Muhammad Solih’s disagreement on who the leader should be. This divide happened within  2-3 months of Abdurahim Polatov being a newly elected leader since 28th of May 1989 when Muhammad Solih’s side conspired to make him a leader saying it’s a necessary thing to do. 

In 2004 second people’s movement “Birdamlik” (Solidarity) was created. Bahodir Choriev held this movement’s congress meeting in 2014 in city of Saint Louis, USA and was re-elected as a leader.[11] For some reason Muhammad Solih created “PMU” in 2011. As per their rulebook the leader should have been changed every year yet Muhammad Solih is the only leader since 2011, totaling 6 years and counting. “Birlik” is being led by usurpator Abdurahim Polatov for 28 years, “Erk” democratic party by Muhammad Solih for 27 years and “PMU” for 6 years.[12,13, 14, 15]

HRSU’s held 3 conferences in 2009, 2011 and 2013. There wasn’t a conference in 2015 due to financial difficulties. Since HRSU’s inception on 2nd of February in 1992 2 members (Shovriq Ruzimurodov, Saidmurod Quchqorov) were killed by Islam Karimov’s regime, 31 members were imprisoned based on false charges, another 3 were put into mental instituion forcibly and 19 members had to leave the country due to persecution and threats. Currently 7 members are in prison: A’zam Farmonov, Gaybulla Jalilov, Chuyan Mamatqulov, Mehriniso Hamdamova, Zulxumor Hamdamova, Zafar Rahimov, Yuldosh Rasulov.[16]

Nowadays main problem for HRSU is to find younger and experienced leader in comparison to me. There are fewer human rights defenders for several reasons: human rights organization aren’t registered in Uzbekistan, opposition parties and movements’ losses, many experienced opposition members stopped thier activities due to old age or death from health complications. Very few new generation of young human rights defenders joined the ranks of opposition which alleviated the problem to some extent but didn’t stop the situation from getting worse.

At the end of this notice I would like to show my appreciation and acknowledgement for the brave work, tireless, noble and productive contributions of HRSU members: Gulshan Qorayeva, Nodir Axatov, Nosir Zokir, Zohidjon Zakirov, Bashorat Eshova, Gulbahor Turayeva, Salomatoy Boymatova, Yusuf Rasul, Hayitboy Quziyev, Saida Qurbonova, Ma’mir Azimov.

Abdujalil Boymatov

Former president of Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan from today.

6th of May, 2017

Dublin, Ireland


1. ЎИҲЖ Францияда ўз Қурултойини ўтказди. 08.05.2009. (

2. Ўзбек мухолифати етакчилари Абдужалил Бойматовнинг танқидига қандай жавоб беришди!?. 21.08.2011.(

3. Ҳуқуқ ҳимоячилари янги раҳбар сайлади.10.05.2009.(

4. Ўзбекистон жамияти учун мухолифат сув ва ҳаводек зарур. 02.07.2009. (

5. Мухолифат фаоллари нималарга эътибор беришмади? 07.08.2009. (

6. “Истеъфо”га муносабат. 31.08.2009. (

7. Ўзбек жамиятининг олтин даври

Ёхуд ҳукумат нега “Бирдамлик” Қурултойига йўл қўймади? 30.11.2009.(

8. Янги прeзидeнтнинг “ғoялaри“.25.10.2009.(

9. РЕЖИМ МАЛАЙЛАРИ (2).03.03.2010.


10. Қашқадарёдаги сохта Конференция ҳақида. 12.01.2009.(

11. Баҳодир Чориев демократми?! 04.05.2014. (

12. Мухолифат етакчилари Мухаммад Солиҳ ва Абдураҳим Пўлатов ёшларга йўл беришсин. 29.04.2012. (

13. Абдужалил Бойматов: Ўзбек мухолифатининг етакчиларига. Очиқ хат. 22.10.2012. (

14. Абдужалил Бойматов: Ўзбек мухолифатининг етакчиларига. 2-ОЧИК ХАТ. 29.10.2012. (

15. Абдужалил Бойматов: Ўзбек мухолифатининг етакчиларига. 3-ОЧИҚ ХАТ. 04.11.2012. (

16. Абдужалил Бойматов: ЎИҲЖ, Орол денгизи, мажбурий меҳнат, болалар меҳнати, қийноқлар, Андижон қирғини, коррупция. (, (







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